Friday, August 13, 2010

Rome & Greeks

The greek had colonized the coats ol sicley & southern Italy , & the fetitle land had made many of the new cites weathly , with splendid temples & richy furnishesh houses. These greeks coloned eventullally came under rome contorl , but brought with them thier art under & learning.


Reasonone: That mummies had strong teeth with warn crowns beacause coase Egypthins beard.

Reasontwo: A mummy was a ruler before.

Reasonthree: Mummies were rich lon time ago.

Reasonfour: The people were put there ruler in pharhos.

Reasonfive: Mummies were found in pymainds when they died.

Reasonsix: When people were found a mummy in there tombs

Lastreason: Mummies were found with famous people then they went in musemum & they got lots of money

Death Osirsis

These women reprent the godness Isis & Nephrely's mouning for the munded of the god Osirsis. At the stern there are two large steering oars held by a steated salear. The color green are the side of the boat ( the color of the crops before they ruper) symbolizes resurreetion in the afterlife. In the afterlife it was possble that the god Osirsis would requrie you to do manul work in the fields. If you were scibe on a preistess you would not want to mannel work , so you would be burned with shabdi figues. These were though to leap to life at the command of Osirsis & do the requed. Some people were burned with hurdeneds of habits. Even pharhohs played safe by haning then in there tombs.